Sunday, February 13, 2011

The First Phase : Chapter 1

"Young Miss, it's time to wake up. The sun has set"

My heavy eyes opens. The image of the dark room enlighten only by the flames of candlelight forms on the retina. Veann, the old butler is standing beside the bed. His noble blood qualifies him no further than a butler to the Kuroli Family, the 3rd royal blood in our world. The 3rd most fearful family of this dark world that I know of.

          Veann unbutton my night gown and put on the persian indigo laces of a cloth and the black boots on me. He grooms my long lime hair which extends almost to be stepped by my own legs. Normal routine, Veann trims the hair to waist length, though it seems unreasonable to me since it's going to grow back by the next day.

"Shall we dine now?" he ask.

           I nod. Why was that question asked every single time I wake up? It's not like there were any other answer to it anyway. I hold onto Veann extended hand as he leads me out of the room. The corridor is as quiet as ever. Not a sound is exchange. I walk to the dim dining hall just to find my food prepared on the table, the never changing scene of the dining hall, and myself. Veann is no one but a servant who serves, thus his existence is merely that of a statue. Just a part of the decoration of the room.

          The smell of the food caught my attention. It was of a different scent than usual. For all the 9 years I've lived, the food has never smell differently. I stared at the brown coloured meat on the plate. It's beef. Of an animal. I glared at Veann for this disgrace.

"It's the Master orders. We were to support the Kurans' new rule," said Veann.
"What did he change this time?" I ask.
"Our food culture. His new rule is to blend in with the humans".

          I sigh. What kind of idiot is this Kuran? We can't even go into the light unless we have a death wish. We're hunted. And now he wants to blend in with the enemies? The Kuran Family is the 1st of this royalty. They are King. Each and every one of them. Though, maybe it's their fate to only have one heir every single time. It's the Kuran curse. But it's also their strong point because their one and only heir is always born with perfection. Strength, wisdom, followers, and this dark kingdom are all in his hand. There's a rumour that the new king is involved with a human. I smirked. Such a waste. All his perfection is a waste if he's going to be involved with a weakling like that. On top of that, human are suppposed to be the prey. If Father wasn't one of his follower, I would have overthrone him.

"Throw it" I ordered.
"It's Master order that you'll have it" states Veann.
"Then report that I ate it" I said.
"Oh, no-no-no. Veann, you dare to disobey Father?" ask a voice who appears from the shadows of the corridor.
"Stay out of this" I said.

          The curse teenage girl ignores me and snatch the plate from Veann. She put it back on the table. I glared but she made no attempt to go unless I stuff that dirt in my mouth.

"If Veann doesn't report you, I will" the devil of a sister said.

          I hate to agree with her. But she always do what she said she will. Never an empty threat. I chewed the meat till there's no more. They're tasteless. There's nothing to enjoy with that kind of trash.

"It's annoying, right? This new rule Kuran establishing. But Father is one of his shadow supporter. We had to do it. But, lucky us. Father and Mother are always away. Siena made the maids cook it with an extra ingredient. That's why we're able to chew it with less disgust" said the girl.
"Lucky" I said.
"Anyway, you have a job to be done" she said.

          I glared again.

"Why must you do that? I'm just passing the message. It's not like I get to have a rest. I have patrolling to do. All that Kuran fault again. I'm suppose to be in the academy right now!" she complained.

          That irritating sister of mine is a student in the Shezfryll Academy. I should have gone there too but Father didn't want me to go there. He hid my existence from the rest of the herd. Only the royals and a few of nobles working with the them know of my existence. That's why only I someone who tends to me 24/7. Veann acts as my tutor. Still, he's a servant. The rest of my siblings have none. I'm not hidden because i'm cursed or unwanted. Instead, because I am a precious weapon to the Kuran, I am to be educated differently than the rest. Up until now, I still couldn't figure out why I am different.

"Veann, her job is the north mountains. Scout there today, and launch the attack tomorrow" she said.
"I shall assist in every way, Miss Tazia" said Veann.
"You're assisting me, not her" I said.
"Excuse my rudeness. I shall assist Miss Adefuwa in every way I can" he corrected.
"Well then, I'm off" said she as she left.

          Veann leads me to my room. I have my tutoring there, as usual. We decided to scout the north mountains at 1.00 a.m.. In the meantime, I stare into spaces. When Veann comes to bring more food, I noticed a small book in his blazer pocket.

"What's that?" I ask.
"A novel by the humans" the reply came.
"Why are YOU reading it?"
"There is much you can learn by reading"
"A human book represents their little worthless brains which can teach us nothing"
"Young miss, pardon me. I think that it is also knowledge if we could understand various points of view of this world"
"But their world are different than ours. What's the use of understanding it?"
"It can serve a good strategy if we know the way the humans think"
"But we do. That's why they're scared of us. And they can't fight us back"
"If that is so, then we would not have live a small community and hidden from the knowledge of other living beings"

          I stared at my tutor, my butler, and my servant. Why does he look up to human so much? Even the lowest of our social world would have look down on human. Yet, though not royal, Veann is a noble, being just second to the royal, one of our high class society, he look up to human. He acknowledge them. Was he chosen to be my tutor because of this? But if Father know of this, he will disappear from this world. I stared until he apologize for his act. Then, I ask for the book. Veann gave it reluctantly.

"I'm not going to burn this. It'll serve me well to kill the time I have now" I said.
"Well then, young miss. Why not I go and scout the area today while you read the book?" he ask.
"No. I'm going too. It's my duty, not yours"

          Veann gave no answer but withdraw to the side of the room. I detect the difference in his voice. He was hoping to go earlier. He didn't want me to go there. Why? I shan't let him have what he wants. His restlessness can be seen however dark the room was. But for now, the human book will help me kill my time before I kill the author race.

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