Sunday, February 13, 2011

The First Phase : Chapter 2

          The north mountain is buried in snow. Veann is asking for punishment. I have clearly ordered him not to go first yet he disappears right after dressing me up with ridiculous white coat. I let my hair loose as I take another step forward. From the mountain borders, my eyes scanned the area. There's really no one. Where did Veann go? I climb higher to get a better view. The north mountain is the hidden border between the human and us. They're not hidden to ourselves though. But from time to time, there's human who manage to find a way to trespass these borders. However no matter how many they are, they all end up dead.They made a big mistake by coming into their predators territory.

          As I scanned the area, I smelled smoke from the lower side of the mountain that faces the human world. However the smoke came just outside our magical border. Out of curiosity, I went to check. There's a small cottage just outside the border. There's an argument going on inside. I scanned my position to ensure that no one else is around before releasing my senses to eavesdrop the conversation.

"Please don't say that. It's not like I have anywhere else to go!" a woman was crying.
"I'm very sorry. But, you have to go. You'll die if you stay here any longer"

"I won't be able to see you again if I go. Please do 't make me go" cried the woman
"You won't be seeing me if you stay. Fiona dear, listen to me. This place will be a battlefield tomorrow, if not tonight. You won't survive" said Veann.
"Make me one of you. Then I could be part of your world right?"
"It's not easy. I can't do it. Only the Purebloods can. But they'll kill you before it happens."
"Then take me to them. I'll plead~ But please don't chase me away....."
"I can't do that.. I have no guarantee that you'll be safe..."

"Safe from what?" I interfered.
"Young miss!" exclaimed Veann.

          The crying woman, Fiona sobbed quietly at my presence. She stared at the kid who interfered all of the sudden. One look at her and I felt disgusted. How dare she even look me in the eyes! Just what kind of lowly creature!

"Young miss,.." called Veann softly.
"Shut up! I did not give you the permission to talk. You have defy one order and now you dare to speak before me?!" I shout.
"Pardon me. If I may speak...."
"Who is this human?"
"An acquaintance, my lady. She..."
"Why is she here?"
"She lives at this border"
"Does she have anything to do with tomorrow mission?"
"Young Miss, please, I apologize for defying your order but this woman....."
"Answer my question!"

Veann walk toward that woman and hold her hands.

"No, my lady. She had nothing to do with.."
"Then why are you here bothering with her? Who gave you the order?"
"My lady, I..."

          I ignored that statue of a butler and advance to the hideous human. I glared at her. The woman trembles although she's still puzzled by the kid who act mighty.

"Who-o-o-oo a-a-re y-you?"ask the human trying to act brave.
"Fiona, please don't say a word. This is Miss Adefuwa of the Kuroli family. My master" said Veann.
"A,.. a pureblood?"

That's it!

"Fiona!" exclaim Veann, "Young Miss, I apologize for her rudeness. I.."
"I want her dead. Now!"I ordered.

          Veann went pale. He just stood there without a word. Irritated, I pushed him aside and dragged the human out of her poor wretch cottage into the snow.

"I heard you wanted to be part of us" I said.
"You would h-help me?" she ask
"Um. But sorry, I don't think you'll fit in" I said I throw her away.

          Befitting for thrash. I went back to the cottage and ordered Veann to go back to the mansion. He tried to ask about the human but I dismiss him. I continued the scout alone, feeling disgust all the way. When I reached home, Veann greets me as if nothing happens. Well it's fine since that woman stench didn't stick with him.

"We'll eliminate anyone at the border and the village near it tomorrow." I said, "And don't go anywhere while I'm sleeping".

          Firann, my brother came in to ask the result of the mountain patrol. I report to him nothing of the human but told about my plan on eliminating the village nearby. He gave me no comment on the matter but skip to his academy life. And his blending in with the human life.

"Do you read it, human worthless wisdom?" I ask.
"Books? Yeah, their mind work almost like us except that we think they're suppose to die while they think we're suppose to die. Some of them even dream of having romance with our kind even when they know nothing of it. They're just making assumption on how we lives. But pretty interesting experiment, toy, whatever you call it. Ah, and prey too." he answered.

         Firann then left my room, leaving me to stare into space again. While waiting for the day to take place, I read the human book.

         And I dream a combination world of living beings.

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